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How To Be Awesome At Everything Podcast

Jan 27, 2022

In this episode, Lindsay talks all about her experiences at the Playboy Mansion. 


What it was really like… the big parties… the Sunday pool parties… and what she thinks about the new documentary about Playboy.  


Interesting stories and life lessons in this...

Jan 21, 2022

On a scale of 1-10, what would you say is your level of GRIT? 
Everyone has a baseline of grit- your threshold- your mental toughness as it stands now. 
Maybe you’re a 4 naturally - and you’d like to be a 9.  I have the best news.  You can work your way to a 9… by pushing yourself consistently,...

Jan 14, 2022

Lindsays story! 

Coming out of college Lindsay says… 
When I graduated from college I had so many girlfriends - I was president of my sorority and active on campus so I just figured I would always have those relationships.  I was so excited to start my business and then later excited to meet the guy who would become...

Jan 11, 2022

As parents… I think the majority of us want to do the best for our kids, while still maintaining our sanity and feel like we have it together.  I think sometimes we try so hard and want to do a good job that before we know it, we’re trying to be perfect.  Which sounds like it might not be a bad thing… but...

Jan 5, 2022

Lindsay tells this story to set the tone for this episode. 
A few weeks ago I as running my favorite stairs.  It was cold out and the fresh air felt so good and I had a full hour of alone time and my plan was to not think about a million things… just get outside and listen to loud music and sweat. 
Well that all...