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How To Be Awesome At Everything Podcast

Aug 29, 2021

We alll have our own thoughts about it all - masks, the vaccine, how elected officials have handled it, mandates, quarantines…


But when you think about it, of course we do.  We all have our own set of experiences and views and it shapes what we think and the choices we make.  


The crazy thing is… before the last...

Aug 21, 2021

On today’s podcast Lindsay is talking to her very good friend Savannah Foster about her high powered career- in a male dominated industry- and how she continues to reach new heights in her professional life while raising a family and maintaining a great relationship with her husband.  She’s so interesting to...

Aug 17, 2021

Let’s talk about being an awesome room parent!  Supporting teachers and your school… and getting extra time with your child in the classroom or on field trips… being a room parent can be so much fun and a great way to be involved on campus. 


If you’re a room parent this year or are considering taking on the...

Aug 3, 2021

It’s both the most painful thing ever at times and also the most rewarding.  We are talking about waking up EARLY… well 5am to be exact.


Countless studies show that we are our sharpest and most productive in the first few hours of the day and there’s also a lot of research supporting the thoughts that more sleep...